Tuesday, August 14, 2012

some new sets

Somesde Mac and iPhone owners who had been using Safari to view rer  Really Simple eqwd Syndication feeds of Web content  may have been dismayed when nativertt  got the boot with ererr Mountain Lion for desktops and4r forrer .
Now it seems thaton mobile Safari in 5 are unavailable, as well.
A series of tests conducted earlier today on different iPhones showed that usually accessible through .Mac Reader on mobile Safari were unavailable on devices running iOS 5.
Attempts to view RSS feeds for news Web sites through reader.mac.com resulted in consistent “Service Unavailable” notifications.
And according to checks onreader.mac.com appears to be down.
It’s not the first time reader.mac.com has suffered service interruptions. This time, it has been down for more than a feweedw hours.
When asked about its mobile RSS reader, Apple declined to comment or offer insight into whether this is a temporary servs sdf ice glitch or if Safari RSS is gone for good from iOS 5.erssdf sdf r.drtrtfg.
With the launch of its new desktop operating system, iX Mountain Lion, late lasfeeds within the browser. It has since been reported that in iOS 6i, which is currently available in beta for developers, mobile Safari no longer registers for the common or Atom feed. The user is now prompted to view Safari in a separate, dedicated frsdapp.


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